Saturday, 20 December 2014

Gina Gracemount @ Pas de Drame

Per augurare a tutti uno splendido Natale e uno grandioso 2015 unitevi a noi, il 21 dicembre, serata speciale con La Signora Pas de Drame Gina Gracemount
vi aspettiamo 

To wish everyone a wonderful Christmas, and a great 2015 join us on 21 December, special evening with Ms. Pas de Drame Gina Gracemount
we'll wait you

In World: Pas de Drame

Have fun! 

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Burlesque Show New Edition

Siamo orgogliosi di presentarti la terza edizione strepitosa del nostro Burlesque show tutto dal  vivo e con la collaborazione di eccezionali partner. I costumi concessi in esclusiva per UKD del grande marchio Boudoir ed inoltre vi presentiamo Hypnose e Ally Adventure.

Non mancare stasera alle 22.00 (1 PM)

Venite poveri di script mi raccomando per  consntire una corretta fluidità dello spettacolo.


We are very pleased and proud to invite You  to the new edition of the Burlesque show UKD and we are proud to introduce an exclusive partnership with the wonderful brand BOUDOIR. 
We are also  proud to introduce Hypnose and Ally adventure.

Come please as light  as you can  detatching all the scripts to help the show to  work  well and fluently,


UKD Project Production Team

When: 02.12.2014 @ 22.00 ITA Time - 1.00PM SLT

Monday, 24 November 2014


25 Novembre 2014

In occasione della giornata internazionale contro la violenza sulle donne Il Pas de Drame e i suoi Amici hanno deciso di dedicare una serata musicale alla quale siete tutti invitati a partecipare perché non si possono e non si devono ignorare drammi simili e per urlare un messaggio comune:

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. "Pas de Drame" and its Friends have decided to dedicate music event, to which you are all invited to participate, because such tragedies should not be ignored, and to shout the common message: 


data and place
When: 25.Nov.2014 @ 22.30 ITA Time - 1.30PM SLT
Where: Pas de Drame

Thursday, 18 September 2014

NEGRAMARO - Meraviglioso (video ufficiale)

I wish you... I wish you time

I don't wish you all sort of gifts.
I just wish you what most people don't have:
I wish you the time to be happy and to laugh
and if you use it, you can make something out of it.
I wish you the time for your doings and thinking,
not only for yourself, but also to give away to others.
I wish you the time - not to hasten and run
but the time to be contented.
I wish you the time, not to pass just like that
I wish that some of it may be left for you
as a time to marvel and trust
instead of just looking at the time on your watch.
I wish you the time to reach for the stars
and the time to grow, to mature
I wish you the time to hope and to love
There is no sense in putting this time off.
I wish you the time to find yourself to see happiness in each day and each hour.
I wish you the time also to forgive. I wish you the time to live.

                                          Elli Michler

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Premiere - “Michael Jackson Live Story Show” by Rola Hykova - UKD Project

UKD Project will celebrate the 6th anniversary of Club Lion. It will be a day to take a happy look back at the long and active history of Club Lion and in this occasion they will present the new show.

UKD Project will be there!


In World: Club Lion

Have fun! 

Friday, 22 August 2014


È uno strano dolore... Morire di nostalgia per qualcosa che non vivrai mai. (cit. A.B.)

Friday, 6 June 2014

Shivers Unleashed Festival 2014

Three days full of music on Second Life

UKD Project will be there! 

credits/source data and place

Have fun! 

Friday, 2 May 2014

Salomè - Passion and Death

"...Ah ! I have kissed thy mouth, Jokanaan, 
I have kissed thy mouth. There was a bitter 
taste on thy lips. Was it the taste of blood ? . . . 
But perchance it is the taste of love. They 
say that love hath a bitter taste. . . . But what 
of that ? what of that ? I have kissed thy mouth, 
Jokanaan, I have kissed thy mouth..." 
(cit. Salome : a tragedy in one act (1912) - Oscar Wilde)

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Welcome to Burlesque

UKD Burlesque Show at Italian Square 1.00PM SLT- 22.00 CET -  30 Apr. 2014

Rola and Anto with the UKD Project team is proud to invite YOU to the Burlesque Show on Second Life. 
The Show with the wonderful Costumes by Lady Thera.
A great honor to have you as special guest at this very special event. 

Delightful greetings 

UKD Project Production Team